Monday, November 14, 2022

Measurement of sugar content in molasses (molasses) from a sugar factory

Measurement of sugar content in molasses 

Measurement of Sugar Content in Molasses (molasses) from the Sugar Factory in Lawang Using a Computer-Based Polarimeter. Thesis Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang. Advisor (I) Drs. Sutrisno M.T (II) Sujito S.Pd M.Si Keywords Polarized Sugar Molasses Molasses (molasses) is a by-product of the sugar processing industry which still contains quite high sugar. The sugar content in molasses is sucrose, ranging from 48 to 55%, so it is a potential raw material for the manufacture of ethanol (Prescott Dunn 1959). Molasses is a by-product of industrial sugar manufacture, which is usually used by alcohol and MSG factories. United Molasses defines molasses as the end product of making sugar which does not contain any more sugar which can be crystallized by conventional means (United Molasses Olbrich 1973). Molasses which is a by product which is produced from the rest of the sugar production process is brown in color and is in the form of a viscous liquid. This material cannot be removed even though it has undergone dilution or the addition of additives (Widyanti Emmanuela Maria, 2010). Using a manual polarimeter will consume a lot of time and energy. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct research to compare the molasses taken from the sugar factory in Lawang with the theory described above using a computer-based polarimeter so that it can be known how much sugar is in the molasses (molasses). ). The purpose of this study was to determine the sugar content in molasses (molasses) from a factory in Lawang using a computer-based polarimeter. Measurement of sugar content in sugar and water solutions with various concentrations was carried out to obtain a linear line equation from the graph between concentrations and rotation angles to be implemented on Molasses samples (sugar cane molasses) taken from a sugar factory in Lawang, Malang Regency. The process of measuring sugar in molasses (cane molasses) cannot be carried out without dilution, this is due to the viscous nature of the molasses (cane molasses) and the brown-black color, so a dilution of 21 times is carried out so that it can be penetrated by a laser from a computer-based polarimeter. as the initial reference for sugar is used as the basis for measuring sugar content in molasses (cane molasses). The results showed that the measurement using a computer-based polarimeter from the diluted molasses (sugar cane molasses) was 6.4% and then the calculation was carried out that in the solution resulting from the dilution of the molasses (cane molasses) the results were 7.18 grams in every 105 grams of water and molasses (drops) solution. sugarcane). From these results, it is then included in the percentage equation of pure molasses (molasses) obtained 59%. Thus the above data shows that the concentration of molasses (molasses) from the sugar factory in Lawang shows a higher concentration than the average molasses concentration from other sugar factories, which is 48-55%.

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